
Worksheets -  I Action Verbs Worksheets  : For writing, reading, vocabulary and grammar Phonics Worksheets for Preschool Learners Phonics Wo...

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Report Details :
Update : Senin, 15 Agustus 2016
Format : Microsoft Word (.doc .docx), Excel (.xlx .xlxs), Power Point (.pps .ppt .pptx .ppsx)
Pengupload : Admin
Kategori : English

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Worksheets -  I

  1. Action Verbs Worksheets : For writing, reading, vocabulary and grammar
  2. Phonics Worksheets for Preschool Learners
  3. Phonics Worksheets for Kindergarten & 1st Graders
  4. Age Worksheets: How old are you? : For teaching how to ask age
  5. Body Parts Worksheets : For vocabulary of body parts
  6. Colours/colors: For teaching colours vocabulary and practice motor skills for preschoolers
  7. Fruits Worksheets: Teach fruits and colours through, writing and reading practice
  8. Greetings-Dialogue Worksheets: Hello, What's your name?
  9. Numbers 1 to 10 Worksheets : Practice numbers vocabulary through reading and writing
  10. Exam Worksheets for Course Level 1 : Listening and vocabulary tests
Worksheets -  II

  1. Actions verbs : write, read, etc
  2. Animal Worksheets : Farm animals, cow, horse, dog, cat
  3. Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday etc.
  4. Food : eat, hamburger, pizza, hot-dog etc.
  5. Numbers 10 to 100 : eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen etc.
  6. School bag : school items, pen, pencil, ruler, classroom objects
  7. Shapes: rectangle, circle, triangle, square etc.
  8. Singular Plural/Demonstrative pronouns : This, That, These, Those
  9. Toys vocabulary : ball, teddy, bicycle etc.
  10. Weather : cloudy, rainy, sunny, cold etc.
Worksheets - III

  1. Actions - ing - Present Progressive - sleeping, eating, drinking
  2. Clothes & Colours - Purple, Pink, Dress, Skirt, Jacket etc
  3. Home/prepositions - Bedroom, Bathroom, kitchen, cooking, watching TV, sofa
  4. Jobs and Places - police officer, firefighter, dentist, doctor, hospital, restaurant etc.
  5. Months, Birthdays & Ordinal Numbers - When is your birthday? December 22nd.
  6. Pets : Describing pets - parrot, cat, iguana, snake, cute, friendly, playful, lazy
  7. Time: Telling time worksheets, O'clock (full hour) Quarter Past, Quarter to, Half past
  8. Transportation/Time range: car, taxi, plane, train, an hour, minutes
  9. Vegetables : How much are the carrots? - Carrots, Tomatoes, cucumber, onions, garlic
  10. Weather & clothes : Dressing for the weather - umbrella, raincoat, put on, take off, sweater, sunny
  11. Zoo Animals & Adjectives of appearance: Panda, Tiger, Lion, Giraffe, tall, long, short
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